Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Pox On All Your Houses!

Okay, not really. But, it was a good title, wasn't it? We woke up this morning to this.

And this....These neck ones, within an hour of this photo grew and multiplied to take over his entire back and up his scalp. Gross.

And this....By lunchtime, his tummy ones were so plentiful that they were en masse, looking more like six or seven GIGANTIC blobs of bumps that went all the way around his sides and back. Remarkably, he only has about a dozen on each leg. Weird. His poor feet however have tons of them. Nothing worse than itchy feet.
(and, I grant you that these photos do not do justice to the weirdness that was going on here...trust me, it was gross and there were an uncountable number of these bumps on my kid)

And then, when stupid Mommy gave Collin his morning dose of his antibiotic it got worse. Way, way worse. No, I didn't take any more pictures because I was too busy freaking the heck out. I was pretty convinced that it was chicken pox. I mean look at it for heaven's sake! It's bumpy. The bumps are all filled with what looks like puss. The kid is practically ripping his skin off and he is rubbing his eyes saying "eyes...boo boo...eyes...ouch." So, I was pretty sure he'd go blind from whatever pox where forming in there as well.

So, while on hold to the pediatrician's office, I was formulating my arguments in my lawsuit to the company that manufactures the vaccination my sweet, now pox-riddled boy, received at his one-year check-up. I mean, honestly, isn't that what the vaccine is for!! Oh yeah, did I mention Bryon's gone this week?

Poor Collin has a freaking out Mommy, the pox and is scratching away and I cram his antibiotic down, which in case you haven't figured out, was the culprit, not the pox. Yep, he is allergic to amoxicilin. Apparently, although he's had it three times in his short life already, and never shown a sign of reaction, it takes just that many exposures to show signs of allergy. And, this reaction was a doozie!

By the time we got to the doctor, he looked, dare I say it, AWFUL! He was the kid that you pull your kid away from in the waiting room. Even the lady who's son was carrying around a puke bucket wasn't allowed to play near Collin, and I don't think it was for Collin's protection. Thanks barfy! I didn't want him near your puke germs anyway!

Seriously though, he had more pustules than I could count and they were virtually vibrating with itchiness. It made me scratchy just to look at him. It was terrible. He fussed if you touched any of them, even accidentally. He took one look at the nurse who, he imagined would be prodding him, and the cordial, normally mellow kid that is my son, freaked out and actually tried to run away.

Alas, since it's not the pox, we feel a lot better over here. I should say I feel a lot better. They gave him enough Benedryl to let him sleep off the next six or seven days. I feel more relaxed. I was scared to death. I don't know why, since I don't think the pox would've killed him, but I was terrified. But, at least he doesn't have to be quarantined, which is good, since the entire time we were at the doctor's office, he begged for Grace.

Oh, it's slightly possible that he's actually allergic to the nuts in a cookie we gave him the other day, but he doctor really, really doubts that. So, we're sticking with the medicine theory; both doc and Mommy for now. He says we'll do an allergy test when we get over this. But, he's had plenty of nut products all along and never had any reactions, so we're pretty sure it's the medicine. Blast that medication!

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