Friday, January 23, 2009

On the Eve of Greatness

Collin gave me some great hope tonight. On what I thought was an ominous beginning to our potty training saga tomorrow morning because Daddy called and said his flight had been cancelled, thus making me the solo participant in our start, I was saved by my boy. Well, and Daddy too because he finagled his way to another airport and another flight, which is also currently delayed; so, we'll see if he gets here at all.

But, Collin reversed the bad juju vibes. Out of thin air he produced his first unprompted, "I love you." That's right folks an unsolicited, unforced, "I love you," straight from the kid. And, you know what's even better than that? He gave it to me while he was, get this, helping me with the laundry! Do I have a great kid, or do I have a great kid? No tradesies, he's mine. My precious little baby boy.

Then, to top things off, when I laid him down in his crib and we were having a little nightie-night chat about our big day tomorrow and whether or not he might be ready to be a big kid, and how Daddy might have talked to Santa (hey we're playing the present angle...he won't remember this anyway, so what if we're mixing messages!) about bringing him big kid underwear back from his trip, he started to sing a song from his potty power video called, "No more diapers for me!" Not only does this knock my socks off because it's the first time he's EVER sang a song but he actually strung five, yes FIVE words together.

It sounded like: "No mr ditrs fr me," but I got the gist and that's what's important, right? And, he knew what he meant. Considering it was unprompted from me and he came up with the idea and the connection to what we were talking about, I'm impressed. I'm just so proud of him. Look out potty chair, we're coming right at you tomorrow! He's ready to be a BIG KID!

1 comment:

Jen R said...

I will pay you...any price, just name it...I will gladly part with my cutie so you can work your magic on him!!!!