Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3-Day Potty Training: The Aftermath

Number of Successful pee-pees today/with announcement: 2
Number of Big Boy Underwear Collin Wet today: 0
Number of Dry Wake-Ups today: 1
Number of Happy Parents: 2
Number of Proud of Himself Kiddos: 1
Number (total of Pee Accidents/including bed-wetting): 5
Number (total Poop Accidents) : 1 (ish...happened on the way to the potty)
Number of Dollars spent on rewards/potties/underwear/book: approx $300...WORTH IT!!!!

We went through an extra pair of big boy underpants this morning, but it wasn't Collin's fault; there was no accident. He sat too far forward on his chair when he went potty and peed all over them. So, I count that not as a potty accident, but as a potty casualty. So, yes, he told me he had to go potty and yes, we made it with ample time, and yes, we are still accident-free! Hooray!

He woke up dry this morning. We found the trick is to visit his room an hour after he's gone to sleep to encourage him to empty his bladder, especially since he refuses to go before bed. Then, we pop in every time he wakes up, even if he's just groggy, just to reinforce the keeping dry message. We ask him if he has to go or if he is still dry. He figured out really quickly that he does NOT want to get pulled out of bed to go potty at 2 am, and he also does NOT want a wet bed that necessitates getting pulled out to be changed, so he'd better hold it. We also pull him out at about 5 to pee, so he makes it to 8. Collin got his last "pee-pee" reward for being dry this morning.
I say "we," when of course, I really mean my super-husband, Bryon. I feel the teensy-weensiest bit guilty about him getting up at night; but then I realize that I'm pulling the day shift of all the potty stuff, and it's not like I get relief when he gets home. Collin treats Bryon like a molesting priest if he approaches him in the bathroom. If I'm not around though, like say, sleeping soundly in our room, all is fine and Dada's a-okay, so no worries. Mom's understand this problem; if she's within sight, she's the wanted one: out of sight though, Dada's a just fine substitute...although, he says that not being needed when I'm around has made him feel like a "Dunse" (his spelling, not mine).

He's been dry all day and made it known that he's had to go twice. Wahoo! Two successful trips to the potty! He has dropped the pacifier habit too. I asked him to put it away as soon as he got up this morning and he marched right over to the drawer and spit it in. So awesome. He hasn't asked for it all day, save for one mild grumbling at his first pee-pee. That's it. Phew. We'll see what happens come poo-poo time. He's even been doing his hair, a good compliment to the first day back in pants.
Yesterday's nap involved our last full-fledged accident, which he was terribly upset by and I don't think he's in any mood to repeat. He was terrifed at seeing his pee beneath his feet. And, in the process of all that fear, he made a push on the way to the potty that resulted in a poop that tumbled out on the floor before we made it to the potty, then one in the potty. But, I think that will be our last poop out of the potty since last night he pooped RIGHT IN THE POTTY!...pushing and all. It was very small but the pride level at that raisin was so large it filled up the empty potty space and then some, probably the whole room, heck the whole house. There wasn't even enough room for Mama's pride.
Look...a slightly less "proud" moment for Mama...a not so wise decision on Collin's part. An even less wise decision? When he decided the next step was to actually mount the top of the toolbench.

Overall, I think it's safe (eek!) to say without reservation, we're pee-pee trained with 99% accuracy, we're maybe poop trained (remains to be seen?) and we're sleep pee-pee trained with 80% accuracy. That's not bad for 3-days and for a kid who's officially 22-months old today. I count this as a success and if you can find a mom who's prouder of her kid today, let me know.

If anyone's interested in this program, please let me know. No, I'm not getting a kickback, but I'd love to share. I was very skeptical, but it worked. It was very, very, very hard. Harder than I believed. I was sure that my kid would be the exception because, surely he is exceptional, smart and amazing. I thought he'd be one of the ones who catches on in one day. I read the testimonials of people who had to lock themselves in the bathroom to cry or bang their heads on the wall (yeah, I did that too!) and didn't believe it would happen. I read the stories of people who ran outside to scream at the top of their lungs so they wouldn't swear at thier kids (didn't to that, but was tempted). But, it worked and I'm glad to have spent 3-days instead of weeks, months or years. It's three days of torture; grueling, horrible torture. But, the upshot is twofold: you get to spend 3-days really getting to hang with your kid on his terms, and he is potty trained. Done!

Watching Potty Power with renewed perspective!

P.S. Wish me luck when we go out of the house for the first time today for speech therapy. We skipped the park today because I thought one outing was enough for the first day after "graduation."

1 comment:

I'm Erin. said...

So I have a couple of points to make:
1) Collin is a smart kid, and had you just had a heart-to-heart with him and told him that you planned to spend $300!!! on his potty rewards, he may have just made a deal with you to keep his pants dry and run off with the cash ;)
2)Good job to you all!! I never even thought about trying to night train initially-- that's hardcore!
3) A sick and twisted part of me has to tell you that we were also successful graduates of the 3-day potty program (sans night training), but sadly the novelty wore off a few weeks later and we eventually graduated from the "whole freaking year of good months and bad months I almost went insane" program.
4) I don't wish that on anyone. Ever. Except maybe on my worst enemy. Which I don't have.
5) I'll stop now.
6) One last thing...You Rock Collin!