Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Daddy Update Column

For the Daddy who wanted to see if there was improvement on the pox front. Yeah, I'm still calling it that because it sounds better than hives. Hives makes me think of bees attacking my son when I'm not looking, crawling and burrowing under his skin and making stinging-like homes there.

Anyway, Collin seems to have gotten suspicious of this whole, lift your shirt and let me take your picture thing. I think that might be a good thing, don't you?

Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and put my clothes back on you crazy camera lady!

So, improvement from the doctor's office. A five hour nap will do that for you, I guess. Most of the tummy hives have regained normalcy and calmed down into singular hives. The tiny ones don't really show up on the camera, so the few dozen itty-bitty ones that you can't see are still there. And since Mommy isn't going to strip the kid, trust me, Daddy, there still on his feet, butt and the rest of him.

He seems to be on the mend though, thanks to the hard work I provided him with while I barbecued dinner tonight. I made up a job for him...putting all the leaves in the backyard in a shopping bag. It's pretty important work, right?
Oh yeah, and he is healing up by watching "Potty Power." I caved to his relentless demands for this ever-popular favorite in our house. He gets to watch it about once a week, as his only t.v. and he begs the other remaining minutes of the week for it. Good medicine, no? He seems pretty happy with it.

1 comment:

Jen R said...

Poor Guy, he definitely has a look that can make you feel so bad for him :-( he can give Austin a run for his money in that department! I did learn that you can get an allergic reaction other than the first time, good information to know. I am glad he is going to be okay!