Friday, January 16, 2009

I Picture a Tantrum Coming

I made this.....It may not look super appetizing in the photo but that's because I don't have the knack for food photography. Sorry. It's pretty appetizing in person, but I'm told that I shouldn't eat it until tomorrow; because not only is it not for me, but because rum cake only gets better with time.
Granny and Grandaddy are coming to visit tomorrow and I asked Bryon what I should make for them. He said, without hesitation, "a rum cake." Hmmm, I thought, maybe Daddy wants a rum cake...or, he wanted me to buy more rum. But, he insists that it is because John, aka Grandaddy, would thoroughly enjoy a rum cake. I've never made one before, but it was so easy to make, I am pretty sure I didn't screw it up. Although, my house does smell like a Holiday Inn on prom night. Well, minus the vomit. Anyway, as soon as Collin sees this puppy and realizes he can't have any, I picture a huge tantrum coming.

We've been acting ornery anyway today. Well, not ornery, just weird. At first, I thought it was the business of being close to age two. As the behavior was typical of that age. He demanded no less than thirty times to be wrapped up, toga-style in his blankie today; he wanted "yogie" (yogurt) with his breakfast in addition to the lumberjack special he always eats and couldn't be dissuaded otherwise; he insisted that monkey's feet be washed in the shower with me; and he flipped out when I refused to put his sippy cup on my head (yep, you read that right).
But, upon closer inspection when I put his sunblock on today, I discovered that he's covered in tiny bug bites on his hands. He's been picking these things up in ones and twos every day lately and today he's got a dozen or so of them. Every day, I shake out his jammies and tear the bed apart looking for the culprit bugs. Yesterday, I was on my hands and knees digging in the carpet fibers. Nope. Mommy and Daddy are bite-free so it's got to be in his room. There have been a run of weird termites in the neighborhood, so I'm freaked. Anyway, the bites were itched a bit raw, so I excuse his erratic behavior but expect more of it when he sees the cake. I think I'll hide my belly. No wait, then I'd be drunk. That's no good. Is it?

He was cheered up at the park, of course. Who wouldn't be? It's freaking awesome outside still. Oh, and by the way, I told him I was going to kiss him today and he said, "No, Grace!" Apparently, Mommy's kisses don't cut it anymore. Boooo!

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