Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm Takin A Ride With My Best Friend....

Okay, lame Depeche Mode references aside (in case anyone missed it, thought I'd point it out for you) Collin had a fun ride up to Morro Bay with his Aunt Robyn. We picked her up at LAX just in time for him to teach her that she loves him to the ends of the earth as the most adorable nephew on the planet, but that she's totally not ready to have a kid yet.

Yep, folks, that's right, he refused to go to sleep, yelled "MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY!" constantly, and demanded that we make up all kinds of crazy songs like the following ditty that was repeated with vigor throughout the entire weekend:

Cookie! Cookie! Yummy, yummy Cookie! (yep, that's the entire song) It might be more entertaining to hear in person when you see the accompanying clapping. Nope, on second thought, I'm pretty sure that you'd probably not enjoy the song so much.
Anyway, he punctuated his bouts of fussing by insisting that he wanted "up," which we figured meant "out" of the "ca," which we also figured meant "car," with alternating weird behavior. Like, poking Robyn's face, picking her nose, snatching her hoodie strings, and then, strangest of all, insisting that she take his clothes off.
Yes, that was the best part of all. At first, she complied with his demand, letting him talk her into somehow fenaggling his shirts off beneath his buckles; but, she drew the line at the pants. Heck, she took his socks off...what more could he ask for?!

Well...certainly, he couldn't ask for a comb right? And, let me tell you, by the time we arrived at Granny's house with a completely barechested, sockless (or cockless...tee-hee) child, it was quite the sight!

They became pretty good buds though by the end of the weekend. He decided to call her "unky." Whatever. I think he figured that he might as well start practicing the Uncle J part of the duo.

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