Saturday, December 27, 2008

Collin's Spa Day and Candyland

Collin had his first experience with bubble bath last night. It was pretty freakin' sweet if you ask him. He's been fascinated with bubbles ever since he figured out that when he farts, he can make his own. Okay, he's been fascinated since before that, but he especially likes those ones because, heck, those are the neatest, right?

He was pretty awed by the bubbles last night though. I could almost see the wheels churning in that cute little head of his. Oh yes, his head is little. In fact, if you listen to those percentile charts, it is in fact, smaller than everyone else's head around. Anyway, those wheels were cranking out a message that was saying: WHAT is this strange substance? Aw shucks, who cares, it's COOL!

Then, today, Daddy decided to introduce him to Candyland. We got it for him...oops, I mean Santa got it for him, for Christmas. He got an easier game too, Goodnight moon, and he seems to actually enjoy that and understand it somewhat; so Daddy thought he could graduate to Candyland. I tried to warn him that he kind of would need to learn his colors first.
Well, the sight of the two of them at the kitchen table, Collin bashing the little players around the board was just too much for me to take. Seriously, adorable. The "game" lasted about five minutes. But a valuable lesson was learned: Collin is not ready for Candyland. He is however, interested in bashing pieces around the board and climbing on top of the kitchen table. I think we'll stick with the easier "Goodnight Moon" game for now. Hey, at least he's playing a game, right? Taking turns is hard for a kid his age, so I'm impressed already.

This would be Collin, after learning that no, he's not in fact, allowed to swing from the edge of the kitchen table. Seriously, where do boys come up with these ideas? Doesn't the sunlight in the window behind him look like there's a fire in our front yard? There's not; don't worry.

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