Thursday, December 18, 2008

Collin's Naptime Torture

It's true, I have the perfect child and I've jinxed myself by bragging about my ever so rosy lot in life one too many times. He was a ridiculously easy baby. He never puked on me, peed on me or had super poops that blew through clothes. He slept like a coma patient and he's obviously adorable; anyone can see that. So, as we traipse precariously close to that dreaded two-year birthday, I have gotten cocky with talking about those three hour naps that he still takes. Yep, I've been acting like they'll last forever.

Big mistake. Three times this week THREE! He's acted like a lunatic in his crib. He's not crying or carrying on in there; he's just being a weird-o. He's talking and babbling, practicing EVERY word he knows, in sing-song. He's banging the walls, making animal noises, then crapping his pants and yelling for me to change him so he can continue on with his antics. This is all well and good except I never really realized how much I need that break from him to actually be IN SILENCE!

It's wreaking havoc on him too. See eventually, two hours after he lays down for his nap, he does fall asleep. This means by about 4 or 4:30, I figure, I'd better wake the kid up, otherwise, I'll be getting him up just to put his P.J's on. Weird, right? Thus, he's only sleeping an hour and a half or so. My kid NEEDS three hours or he's ticked. Ticked. Ticked. Ticked. Anyway, he's p.o.'d at me for disturbing his slumber.

But, he cheers up...Moody much?

Then, he takes it out on the cat and on anyone else he sees. His joy in life is scaring the cat lately. He thinks it's part of his mission to keep the cat away from the "teee." I do not discourage this because if I spent all my time keeping Homer out of the Christmas tree, I'd be in diapers too, not having enough personal time to use the facilities; so, the help Collin gives me shooing Homie away from the tree is appreciated. Anyway, he gets joy out of it, as you can see, and it helps with his grumpies.

You can't see Homer in this picture, but you can just call this "Crouching Collin, Hidden Homer." He's under the tree and Collin's going in for the kill.

Alas, we're going on day three this week of crazy nap and I'm getting annoyed. I promised him if he went to sleep like a good boy today, we would take him on a "date" with Daddy tonight. He's not buying it. We'll see. I may have to go in there with a hammer or something heavy to make him go to sleep. I have some of those happy pills left from the hospital from my broken butt...maybe he'll think he's the first lady of France, but at least he'll be asleep!

Okay, this is a sweet moment. Had to throw it in there because it's cute. He loves the choo choo. He and Daddy look at it pretty much every night. He's using it to con a few more minutes out of the day in the evening these days. Conniving little bugger, isn't he? Bath time? Nope...choo choo dada! And, do you think Dada can so no to choo choo? You tell me....

Yeah, he'll probably kill me for putting that up there...that'll teach him to mess with my camera.

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