Monday, April 13, 2009

Triplet "Twin" Bed

I have to admit, I'm starting to dig the big boy bed. It makes story time pretty groovy. We get to snuggle up together instead of sitting on the floor. And, when we talk about our day right before lights out, whoa boy do those snuggles really start to get close.

Ack! Mommy's wearing shoes on the bed! She really shouldn't do that. But, she has to otherwise Homer eats them. Sad, but true. She was too lazy to go put them away before bedtime routine so she was stuck wearing them on the bed for their own protection.

Does this look like a horrible time, or what?

Our butler, Garcon took these pictures for us (okay, it was Daddy's extended arm). Know what he said when he saw them? "My hands look weird." Is he vain, or what? Who thinks their HANDS look weird? Oh, and this is a laughing kid, not a crying kid, I swear.

I mean, what kind of self-respecting mama would hate this? I have to admit, the crib's exit wasn't so bad, if it allows this kind of goodness.

Not so great...Collin deciding to get the mugumbo last night. That's what I call the plague that has swept through our little circle of friends in the last twelve hours. It's hit everyone differently. With Collin it started with taking THREE freaking hours to fall asleep because of "boo boo nose, boo boo face, boo boo ear, boo boo head and boo boo mouth." I'm pretty sure if he knew he had a uvula (that doo hicky that is in the back of your throat, he'd have complained about that too).

Then, at midnight, he proceeded to have the longest night terror in the history of night terrors. It seemed like it lasted an hour . Now, that I'm more rational, maybe it was only about thirty minutes. But it was his first sleepwalking and talking episode (apparently, something we get to look forward to more of since kids with terrors do this frequently, hooray!). He told us he was certain he had to pee, hysterically crying of course, as per night terror protocol. So, being good parents, we took him. Also, as per night terror protocol, he occasionally has moments of "off-switch" and decides to fall onto me like a limp sock, almost back into dead sleep, which he did to pee as if I was the potty. It's really nice to function as your kid's potty chair. Don't worry, Daddy got in on the action too when I propped Collin back up and Collin finished his fire hose routine on Daddy's foot. Hysterics ensued and we were back to full on night terror mode from there. Anyone else's kid have these? They are HORRIBLE! NOT the same as a nightmare. NOT at all, not one little itty bitty bit. We get those too, like anyone else but these suck worse, I think. They seem scarier.

Anyway, when it was finally over, we had to sleep with him for a while...then Daddy had to sleep on his floor all night because he was so freaked out he couldn't be alone. A twin bed is fun to snuggle in for a bit before bed...not to sleep in for any length of time as a family. And, when he's getting sick he has a tendency to not want to be alone. Alas, he's sick.

I got him into the doctor in time to be told...nothing. Yeah, Mr. Doctor told me to get him in ASAP next time he was sick because my man doesn't let on when he has ear aches, so we suspect. So, we got him in. No ear infection. Just the mugumbo. But, the kiddo didn't want to eat much today and that tells me he's probably as sick as he's going to get!

1 comment:

Karen Parke said...

HOpe that today is a much better day for Collin and you.