Friday, April 3, 2009

How To Reward a Liar

Collin tells me that he did NOT, repeat, did NOT throw the ball at me. What do you think? Lying cannot be tolerated in this family, even if it is done this adorably.
Clearly, this type of insolence must be dealt with swiftly and with great severity. What to do? What to do? I know! Make sure he's given the most awesome present ever!Yeah, Grandpa and Nana Debby decided to send Collin a really cool fire truck, just for the heck of it. I guess, maybe because he's a super big boy who is just great. He thinks he got it because he didn't pee his pants all the way to and from the airport (and heck all week).

He seems to especially love the bell. What is it with this kid and LOUD noises? Like the shirt? His other Nana does. Lest you think the fibbing was forgotten though just because FedEx came though....This is what Collin had for dinner! Mu-ha-ha!!! Looks delicious, huh? Well, shows you what you all know. It was. It's called Skordalia. And, it went with our grilled chicken. We all ate it. Well, all except for Collin who used it for abstract art. We found a dip that he didn't eat, despite the fact that we told him it was made of edamame, which he eats by the truckload if it's not ground up in the food processor like this. All is forgiven of course, at the end of the day. How can't it be? Look at that sweet boy (and the dog, no less!), looking through old photos of his daddy as a baby with his Gramps. Is that sweet, or what? He even thinks his Gramps looks like a stud with a beard in old velor track suits. Now, that's good lying.

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