Friday, April 17, 2009

Today Magnum P.I. Will Be Played By....

Chris Farley.

Or, Collin McClain. I guess it depends on how you look at it. I choose to look at as Collin McClain, especially when he's making the Chris Farley face.
You may say it looks like the ham and cheese smile. I say there's a small distinction that, yes, maybe only a mother can recognize. I hate the Chris Farley face when he makes it. I love the ham and cheese face. So, for today, the mug shot, no expression pose may be better to show off his outfit.

He decided to wear a hat today, all be it, briefly. Whatever, the case was, I took that decision and ran with it. Since it was a Detroit hat, and it happened to coincide with Hawaiian Friday, he looked a lot like Tom Selleck in his Magnum P.I. days.

(who, by the way, in all photos I could find wore plenty of Hawaiian shirts and plenty of Detroit caps but not both at the same time. What the heck! Apparently, he thought the hat was just to casual for "dressed up" Hawaiian shirts. I don't know; I didn't watch the show.)

Of course, it wasn't Collin's fault he looked like an 80's sex symbol. He just goes with the flow around here and Mommy didn't stop him like she should have. Noooooo, she just snapped pictures, later to incriminate him. He doesn't look like he minds too much at the moment.

He also looked darn cute. I also figured that since I managed to break him of the pacifier, I would take on the challenge of finally getting this kid to wear a hat and keep it on his head for longer than thirty seconds. So, we went to the park with a hat on, with the promise of a cookie when he got home if he kept it on the whole time.

Did he get a cookie when he got home? No. Did he keep it one relatively long? Yes. He wore it about 80% of the time. But, I'm a stickler for rules so no cookie. I know, I suck. But, it was a success in my book. I think it would've stayed on if it fit him better. It kept popping off, so I probably should give him a cookie. We'll see; maybe later for something random, like hugging me.
P.S. Thank you Aunt Roty for letting us participate in Hawaiian Friday again by buying Collin a shirt that actually fits him!

1 comment:

Karen Parke said...

those pictures today were priceless....thanks so much.