Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Poor Little Sick Boy

So, do you feel sorry for this kid? Yeah, I'm not sure I do either. He doesn't look all that pitiful. Still, he sure acts like the biggest baby I've ever seen when he's sick. Seriously. He spends most of his energy telling me just how sick he really is; despite the fact that I've used all of four tissues so far to wipe that nose of his (okay, maybe because I'm a little frugal and reuse tissues a lot but still, that says a lot for just how runny his nose isn't). Yes, he's sick. Yes, his nose is a bit runny. Yes, he sounds congested. Sure, he's coughing. Sure, he's hot and cold. Blah, blah, blah. I love the kid more than life itself but he whines a big show.

Anyway, he's gotten to watch more t.v. in the past two days than in his entire life combined because of this life-threatening illness he's trying to convince me that he's got. Between his "shows" as he's calling them, he tells me that he's got "boo boos," everywhere, (today it was mainly his eyes) and that he wants to go back to bed. He hauls his tookus back up there for little 20 minute flop-fests on his bed where he just stares at the ceiling and yells for me to sit on the floor and stare with him. It's fun being the parent of this sick kid, let me tell you.

Okay, now the good part. He's a hug machine. So, grandparents that aren't here, sorry! You're really missing out. He's actually stopped mid-pee to get up and give me a hug just because I was there, sat back down and finished up his business. Yeah, he's on love overload right now. That, I can live with. The whining, I can do without.

Oh, and by the way; you guys should've been here yesterday despite risking exposing yourself to the plague because look what I did! Doesn't this look good?

Cheesecake! Am I the hostess with the mostest or what? I was so proud of myself...until, I cut into it and it was undercooked in the middle. I am known, seriously, KNOWN for my cheesecake (FAMILY it's time to comment here!!!!). I have never undercooked a cheesecake. Grrrr. So, it may look good, but it was only good on the outside two thirds.
Don't worry, I was redeemed on the cookies :)
And, the fresh strawberries, and the brie and french bread, etc........boy, you really should be in our book club, huh?

1 comment:

Karen Parke said...

Your table of goodies looks like something out of Good Housekeeping....the dishes are the finishing touch! And Collin, I wish I could be there for those extra hugs.