Monday, March 2, 2009

What Looks Sweet....

Now, while this looks so sweet, it almost makes your teeth ache, it's a brief moment of awwwww-ness for the day. Okay, I exaggerate. They were sweet today. In fact, Gracie has this adorable habit of insisting on hugging Collin, which Collin has picked up on as well. But, she's got another new habit--pushing Collin. He's not so keen on this new trick of hers.

It's sort of a greeting. "Hi Collin! Let me wallop you!" Then, down he goes. It's sort of pitiful really because he thinks, hey, a hug is coming. Then alas, it's not. Today, the explanation for such a push was, "but he has letters on his jacket!" Apparently, if you are wearing any part of the alphabet, that means you should eat dirt. I'll remember that the next time I get dressed.
But, thankfully when it comes to watching crows picking at what could only be bits of garbage strewn in the grass, pushing gets thrown out the window and Collin clearly needs to be held up, steered in the right direction. She is a big sister now, after all. And, this is so cute to watch. What's even cuter, is Collin's pained expressions when he turns around, like "geez, get me outta here," and "how much longer do I have to humor this?" But, he's patient and he tolerates it. I guess watching scavenger birds will do that to his disposition.
Just don't try to take his truck! Or, if you are Mommy, his picture while he's playing with said truck. Or, you will wind up with one of two things, a bunch of sand dumped on your hair or a camera memory card full of pictures of the back of your kid's head, his hands, his feet or maybe even the ground as he runs by at full speed to dump sand in the bed of the darn thing.

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