Monday, February 16, 2009

The "Secret" To Thank You Success

I've mentioned before that Collin and I have secret time under his crib. Wow, that sounded awful, didn't it? Okay, rephrase. We hang out under the crib and share secrets. It's a fun time that is going to be so brief because pretty soon, he'll be too big to fit under there and we'll move to a big boy bed. Anyway, it's sweet while it lasts.

Today, it moved to story sharing under there, interspersed with door slamming. Collin's learned the art of shutting ALL the doors in the house. He still can't quite get the door opening bit. Maybe it's because we haven't taught him. There's a method to that madness. So long as he closes the door, he's trapped in his room, right? And, Daddy was trapped on the other side of the door, trying to get a picture of Collin and Mommy reading stories together. It was pretty sad to see Daddy so forlorn on the other side of the door, getting rejected like that. Kind of.

Although, it was amusing to watch Collin squeal with glee every time he slammed the door in Daddy's face....

From underneath the crib, of course!

Anyway, I try really hard to get thank you cards out to everyone who sends us ANYTHING. You'd think this is a totally unrelated thought...and it is. But it happened to today too. Collin is not immune to this thought. Since he's been able to hold crayons, he is responsible to his bit of the thank you duty as well. In case you thought that those scribbles on your thank you notes were done by me blindly jabbing at the paper pretending to be a kid, just hoping you'd think your grandson/great grandson/nephew so deeply cared enough to thank you as well, you were wrong. He did care enough to thank you. In fact, when we do the notes, we talk about whoever we're writing a note too. It's a big deal for us. I swear, this kid will be a thank you note writer if it kills me...or he'll hate them and never write a single one. We'll see. If that's the tiny bit of rebellion that I have to tolerate in my son, I can handle it. Deep breath, ahhh, and I'm recovered.
It's cute for now anyway. Daddy and Collin were working on these today. We even got ONE correct color name out of this time. Collin correctly identified purple for a change. Normally, the answer to "what color is this?" is always, "red."

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