Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eddie Hearts Collin and Collin Hearts Vaseline

Eddie's reaction to Collin surviving his near-death reaction to what I've deemed had to be rubbing the oil from the outside of that weird berry all over his face when he started eating (p.s. Mama, time to start washing the kid's hands more often!)? Well, that would be any typical dog's reaction: I LOVE YOU MAN! NO, seriously, I LOVE YOU MAN!

And, have I mentioned, that I LOVE YOU MAN! Don't get out of my sight again! How about I just lay across your body so that you can't move your legs? Does that work for you? It works for me. I know we've had our ups and downs, what with my licking your face and with you chasing me, poking my eyes and occasionally, just occasionally, pulling my ears, but I LOVE YOU MAN! I'm a dog; I forgive and forget, just like that!

Mom's reaction to Collin's near-death experience that really just amounted to a rash? Well, spoiling him, of course. I mean, he's quite obviously watching television...and on my bed. That's my equivalent of getting to go to J.Crew without a spending limit AND without having to take him with me. Can you tell that he's pleased with this bit of spoiling?

Don't worry, he takes it seriously too. He knows it's only for thirty minutes...well, a bit less since it's the Muppets on DVD, so what is that, like 22 minutes? Poor Collin. So deprived. He doesn't even know there's a movie companion to his favorite thing in the world, "Nemo!"

But alas, he's been a bit spoiled today as well since I didn't kill him yet and I consider that to be a bit of spoiling, as he's been tempting me to do just that all day. It started with my stepping out of the shower to him handing me a jar of I'm not sure where or how he found it and I'm not interested in how long he had it or what he'd been doing with it and I'm not going to go looking for evidence. I'll just hope he brought it directly to me. Then, he decided that he should bring me his hamper. Why? I'm not sure. I think he wanted me to put my gym clothes in there and clearly bringing my clothes to the hamper didn't make as much sense as bringing the hamper to the clothes. Obviously.

So, when we went to the park today, despite his annoyances this morning, I did not, repeat did NOT allow little Damien to bite him in the face, despite repeated attempts. Yes, little bitey-McGee is back with a bit of a taste for Collin blood again. Not sure why. I thought he was over that, but apparently, Collin looked tasty. His Mom said something about Collin having rosy cheeks. Not sure if that means my son's cheeks look like yummy apples, as if he resembles a food item or what; but the end result is that he's back to being a smorgasbord item. Ack! Oh, and I did save his life and comfort him when he fell of the tippy top of the play structure today after he decided that heck, I'm a big enough boy to leap from the top bar all the way across to the slide. Who needs Mom's help? So, I consider that a good day. We'll see how the afternoon goes.


Karen Parke said...

I was wondering if that little boy had stopped his biting. You keep my grandson far away from him or I might come out to California and bit his face!

Unknown said...

YOu have no idea how important it is to me to check on Collin's progress every single day. Your stories and the pictures help to bridge the terrible gap between LA and Michigan. Thanks Rachel for all the updates. They mean the world to his grandmother.