First off, Daddy went for a jog with me today, sans complaint. Whoa! We got to jog along the ocean and drool over the houses that we can never own but I keep coming up with schemes to anyway. And, I'm planting the idea of training for a marathon together in the distant future in his head and he's not grumbling. What a guy.
And, to top that, he stole flowers for me. Yeah, that's right, stole. We don't have next door neighbors anymore and we noticed that they had a really beautiful plant of gorgeous flowers just NOT being enjoyed in their backyard. So, I hinted about how pretty they were. He told me to just go hack them off with our shears. I gasped and said I was too shy and went in the house. He told me to get a vase. Oh, swoon!
I really am a spoiled, spoiled lady, especially since right this minute, twenty minutes to bath time (which Daddy always takes care of!!!), where are my guys? Yeah, they are at the grocery store picking up the few particulars I noticed were missing for the week and that I didn't want to get tomorrow. Aaaahhh, quiet alone time and no errand tomorrow. Maybe I should lay off the hair gel and poking fun of Daddy for a day or so? We'll see.
The moral of the story is, nothing seems to bite me in the BE-hind, so I can go ahead and keep being naughty :) Wait, no....I love my family!!
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