Friday, October 8, 2010

Death by Crushing

The year before last, we were invaded, yes invaded, by some seriously large spiders. I never took any pictures of them, just take my word for it. I think we might be in for it again this fall. I'm afraid to leave the house because there are a bumper crop of them lurking at the entry way. This is only one of them.

Now there is one less. Yep, those are his gross little guts
. I was left no choice. His legs were red! Red, people! Red! When a spider is that big and he rears his legs at you, rears!! You must kill him. I swear he was actually wagging his butt too. It's like he was big enough to have independent movement of all those gross little parts. It was creepy.
Despite the creep-factor of the season, Collin agrees. He's a little icked out about the whole spiders lurking by the door thing too. I'm almost about to call Tierra Vista maintenance to spray the house but eh, I don't trust them.

1 comment:

Karen Parke said...

I happened to kill one two giant spiders this week as well. They were the biggest and the fastest ever! but mine did not have a big body like yours did......