Friday, October 1, 2010


I'm convinced that our friends the Roaches have some super genes because they have the most gorgeous children I've ever seen (besides my own of course). Ignore Paige's closed eyes here; she's using "The Force" because she's unarmed in this light saber battle and she's got no other weapon.
They came over the other day (ahem week) to play and I'm pretty impressed at her ability to fend off two boys with no weapon of her own. She's going to grow up and break some serious hearts. We continue to warn her mother that she had better be prepared for boys to knock down her door and Jen always says, "I hope that child gets my hips to ward some of them off." Ha. Beautiful child.
Anyway, my point is, look at my charmer. He is such a player!

Hands above the blanket, buddy.

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