Thursday, October 16, 2008

Secret Loving...The Only Way I Get It

We went to get flu shots today. We took Kari and Grace with us because Kari's husband Barry (go ahead, take a moment to process that name thing, she's used to it), has their car during the week. Since she's pregnant and thus considered "high risk," the kids are automatically "high risk," and I'm a pansy about the flu; so therefore categorize myself "high risk," we all got a shot.

I kind of like shot days. I know it's horrible to like pain for your child. But, here's the thing; I have a now, almost nineteen month old BOY. That means I get kisses at random and when I bribe him for one by holding his meal or bedtime pacifier hostage. I get hugs (or how Collin interprets hugs, thus being headbutts) even more seldom. It isn't that he doesn't love me, it's that he's too darn busy. Carpet lint is more interesting than affection. But, Grace gets full body, arms around the waist hugs at regular intervals. I've learned to accept this.

On shot days though, I get snuggles. I get hugs. I get kisses. I get the whole shebang. I kind of wish shot days were a more regular occurrence sometimes. On checkups I sometimes ask twice: Are you sure he doesn't just need ONE immunization? Maybe something like malaria? We COULD be going to the never know!

So, I wasn't totally bummed about flu shot day. I braced myself for a full on snuggle. Wrong. When the needle went in, he shrieked and reached for me. I hoisted him up on my shoulder and waited for the lean-in that was due to me. He saw over my shoulder that Grace was still waiting her turn in the chair area with Kari and he strained to get down. What?!!!

Yep. He wanted Grace. He ran to her and hugged her. I was left standing in the immunization area dumbfounded. Apparently, Mommy hugs are useless compared to those of someone who understands your pain all to well. Adults that don't cry, wail and take it like brave soldiers just don't get it, I guess. Grace's shot was next and SHE wanted HER Mommy. So, I'm at a loss to explain my son's behavior except to say that he is a bit off. Another kind Mommy in the waiting room just shrugged her shoulders, looked at me and said, "Don't feel bad, it's a girl thing. He's a boy."

For now, I'll keep stealing my kisses. This one came after a full day at Disneyland...yep, we went AGAIN..he's a spoiled kid, huh? More on that later, probably.

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