Thursday, October 30, 2008

Liar, Liar!

Collin had another major first today...a milestone really, his first fib. I'm curious as to whether or not that is one of those things that I etch in gold lettering in the baby book or if I pretend it didn't happen because my sweet boy would never do such a thing. I mean look at that innocent, sweet and joyous face...who could believe he'd ever commit such a crime!
For a kid who can't talk, lying is a feat in itself, I think...and I'm concerned that it means that he's headed down a slippery slope. What's next? Complete sociopath? If he becomes a criminal, I'll at least insist on a prison tattoo of "Mom" in a heart on his bicep.

Here's what happened. I caught him dragging the remains of a battered--just kidding, nothing that bad. He told me "poo-poo," and pointed to the bathroom. Since we've been practicing just sitting on our potty, nothing else, just sitting and saying the word poo-poo, I thought, hooray! I asked him if he wanted to sit on his potty and if he had to go poo-poo. We're really working on cementing the idea that bathroom equals poo-poo right now, not so much that he has to do anything about it. I don't think he's ready. But, whatever.

Anyway, he shook his little head yes and dragged me to the door, which was closed. So, little me thought that we were making a breakthrough, that super hooray, he was making the connection, that maybe, just maybe, he'd make his poo-poo in the room where we are supposed to do it. Getting a little ahead of myself, maybe eons, years, decades, I imagined the possibility of cleaning up a little turd out of the potty instead of the diaper that he would imminently fill this afternoon.

No such luck, the minute I opened the bathroom door, he reached for the story we'd left behind a little while earlier, picked it up, turned on his heels and left the bathroom behind. When asked if he had to go poo-poo at all, he shook his head no. Apparently, it was all a ploy to get his story. Grrrr.

He may not know that poo-poo goes in the bathroom but he knows how to be a little s-h-i-t already...okay, too harsh. He knows how to act like one on occasion. He's still my little angel. I was just taken aback by it. His first lie! I'm pretty sure he doesn't know he did it and he probably just knows the bathroom is the poo-poo room and the wanted in there, but still, it seemed like a lie and that's the story I'm sticking to.

1 comment:

Karen Parke said...

I don't really think it was a lie...I think it was his way to let him in the bathroom to get the book. Poo-poo meant open the poo-poo place door !!