Sunday, July 26, 2009

First Band Aid at Fort McClain

Collin got his first Band Aid here today. You might ask yourself how a kid that's well over two years old has gotten through life this far without need of a band aid. Well, I don't rightly know the answer to this. Maybe he's just lucky. Maybe I just let him bleed profusely until he scabs over. Maybe I just dangle him over the sink until it stops. Who knows.

But, the irony of this injury is that he got a paper cut on his cuticle repeatedly slamming a DVD of "Twilight" into and out of the cardboard sleeve. Ha! A vampire movie! And, I saw the blood on the cardboard! Tee-hee! Anyway, he didn't actually need a band aid per se, but I'd just bought cute ones with Mickey Mouse. Not sure why, considering he's never needed one.

Anyway, look how excited he got about having one! I think it was a good call. I'm also thinking that he will continue to injure himself thusly so he can get more band aids, or just continue to request them. Apparently, it was the highlight of his day.

And, just for the giggle of it; look at my ridiculous cat. Daddy and Collin made a fort-ish tunnel thing to drive cars under this morning. They abandoned it when they went to the commissary, leaving the the living room quiet, a perfect place for a nap for the cat. Apparently, it looked just comfy enough as a hammock. Stupid cat.

1 comment:

Karen Parke said...

Don't think I have ever seen sich a big smile and excitement over a band aid........Collin is certainly a "unitque" little boy.