Thursday, November 13, 2008

Should I Buy Stock in Aquanet?

I know I've joked about Collin loving to help Mommy with her lotion and how he sort of likes to imitate me with the hairdryer. And, I know I just recently put up pictures of his cute little curls adorned with barrettes. I stopped short of allowing him to leave the house like that even though he said he wanted to, insomuch as he can say such things. When I asked if he wanted to wear them to the park, he said "yesh." Considering when 99 times out of 100 times I ask him anything he says "no," I took that as a pretty strong opinion.

Still, I decided that I ought to put my foot down on the whole girl versus boy thing and take the darn adornments out and explain that he's a boy and those are girl things. So, out they came and thankfully, he didn't cry about it. Off we went. But, lately, he's been pulling my headbands right off my head and insisting that he wear them.

I don't make a big deal out of it because why bother? Most of the time he doesn't get them ON his head, he wraps them around his neck or dangles them from his chin, beard-style. Or, he drags them to me and signs "help," because he knows he's doing it wrong. So, I help a brother out and plop them where they belong. I help him check his look in the mirror and we get on with our lives.

Well, it's making Daddy a little uncomfortable. I figure he's going to get over it. I figure it's a phase. I figure that it's just a boy who spends most of his day with Mommy doing what kids do: imitate grownups. Since I don't spend my day scratching myself and shaving, he's going to do what I do instead. He's going to wear headbands and lip gloss. It's pretty cute, really.

Besides, he doesn't exactly look girly. He looks a bit more like a eighties hair band wannabe with one of those skinny leather hairbands instead of a bandanna. Besides, Bryon says that even if Collin decided to become a dancing girl in a Vegas show, he'd love him just as much as if he wanted to be a doctor or lawyer or whatever. So, who knows...dancing girl maybe?


I'm Erin. said...

hee hee

Annie Pennington said...

Haaaa!! Gosh he's ADORABLE no matter what he has on his precious head! I love his chubby little hand in the first one especially, he's PERFECT!!!!!