Friday, November 28, 2008

Collin's Day of Holiday Torture

Hooray! The Christmas tree is up! I think I was looking more forward to that part of the season than anything else this year. But, Collin however decided that ornaments are just not his thing. He did put ONE ornament on the tree.

He dug through the box, found a cardboard circle ornament that came with our copy of "National Lampoon's Christmas" and decided that this was the ornament for him. Why we still have that ornament is pretty much a mystery to me; apparently, it's in our collection just for this moment, so my son could "help" decorate the tree. Never mind that I wanted a photo-op of him putting his first Christmas ornament on the tree...which I got, of him sort of tossing it AT the tree. Nonetheless, he put the Griswald cardboard up impeccably. Kids!

He did enjoy breaking one of Daddy's classic ornaments though. So, we got the Christmas gift of Collin's first guilt trip. It was pretty precious. We told Collin how he must be careful with the ornaments because look how sad it mad Daddy that it was broken. Daddy put on a very sad face and we talked about how important that ornament was. Oh boy, you should've seen that chin quiver and neither one of us had even raised our voices. His little eyes started to brim and I felt so badly! Hey, we got the point across because he was super gentle the rest of the day but jeesh! I felt like I killed Eddie in front of him or something.

It was such a fun time though. I can't tell you how special it is to do this stuff with my son and my husband...then, I didn't have to clean any of it up! I got to go out for more Mommy Time. I know, I know, what is up with that? I'm totally spoiled lately.

I went to another movie and more shopping. No, I didn't buy anything for me. I bought presents for my hubby. Just because presents too, not even Christmas presents. Pretty snazzy of me, I thought. He deserved them. But, when I came home, he showed me up because he'd decorated the rest of the house without me and did all the rest of the holiday work. Awwww. I'm going to miss him in December. Stupid TDYs!

So, tomorrow it's the Tar Pits! Weee! If you've ever visited me here, I've dragged you there. I cannot tell you how much I love that place. Bryon thinks they are stupid. He thinks it's just visiting stinky mud. I think it's the most awsome place in the state, Disneyland aside.

Oh yeah...more emotional torture today. I conned Collin into wearing his Baby's First Christmas Santa hat from last year by promising him a snack if he'd take a picture with me. Apparently, he's learning emotional bribery. Look below for how well it went. I think it was a smooth promise!

This is the, "I really HATE this hat" picture. So, mommy had fast thinking to do.....
This is the, "I'm considering your offer, Mommy" picture.
This is the, "Post photo-session" picture. We got a good one too. But, these were just too much fun. He wore the stupid hat for like half an hour after he got the Nutri-Grain bar!

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