I'm leaving this weekend and I've been breaking the news to Collin all week. I've been sprinkling it to him in tidbits. I'm trying to brace him for the fact that his world is about to fall apart. I at least hope that I'm as much his world as he is mine, partially anyway. I hope that on one hand, he doesn't notice I'm gone and skips and laughs through this weekend like nothing is wrong; and on the other hand, falls devastatingly sadly to the floor as if he cannot survive a moment without me (pretty much wailing as hard as I will be driving away!). Can you tell I've never left him before?
So, we started the conversation with crackers...his favorite. I think he was more shocked that he was allowed not ONE cracker, but an entire baggie. Three of his favorite things were thus combined: eating, crackers and dumping things out/replacing them in a container. I decided vacuuming the crumbs could wait. He was shocked...SHOCKED I tell you, and I don't think it was about my waiting to vacuum (which was shocking if you know me and my obsession with vacuuming...we have a really cool vacuum!). I choose to believe he was shocked about my announcement, but I'm pretty sure it was the bestowment of crackers in such quantity (don't get excited, it was only three).
Moving on to day two of the "news-breaking," trying to cushion the blow by reminding him that the departure is eminent, he brings out the big guns, the adorable pity faces. I'm pretty sure, he'd been practicing them. So, now I'm positive that he knows that I'm leaving and that he DOES NOT want me to go.
We start the conversation nice and easy...what's up Mom, you want to chat, right?
Yeah, I'm not so sure I like the look on your face; but.....
Give it to me straight. Just the facts, ma'am.
You've got my FULL attention....
WHAT!! You want me to stay with Dada? Alone?! That make baby ANGRY! Wait...deep, cleansing breath......ahhhhhh.
That's better....Now, whatchu talkin 'bout?
Still, you persist with this idea? My final verdict? No! No! NO!
Okay, so how am I supposed to leave that precious face? That adorable, animated guy? I'm pretty sure that they hard wire us women with some sort of chemical in our lady bits that makes us incapable of thinking of what WE want when our babies are in the room, heck when they are on the face of the earth, especially when they look at you like THAT! I swear, if he so much as sticks out that lip when I try to leave, I will not go.
The ‘Do of ’72
1 week ago
I love, love, love, the picture story, it is too cute!
That story, along witht he pictures and captions was heartwarming. I know it will be torture to leave Collin....but take heart....he will be fine with daddy. You are doing something for yourself and that is important. He makes you a better MOMMY for Collin in the long run. Have fun Rachel at your conference.
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