Thursday, September 4, 2008

Gone Baby Gone

Daddy's coming back tonight. He's been gone all of 36 hours this time. Last time he was gone for five days. The time before that, he was gone for four days, before that three days. All told, he's gone about half of every month. Stop me if you've heard this before. Yep, you know how who you are if you are a military wife.
The thing is, we haven't done this before. Bryon has been at "easy" jobs travel-wise since we've been married and we're not used to this. Should I be whining about it? Probably not. He's technically "here." He's not over "there." He's home by Friday night, after dinner at the latest, usually before. The biggest inconvenience so far to me is that I mostly have to cut Collin's nails on my own now and I'm pretty surprised that the police haven't knocked on my door and questioned me about the child that is clearly being tortured inside my house on days that I attempt this feat.

But here's the other thing, this travel schedule is so new, sometimes it's not so bad. I get the whole bed to myself. I'm not much of a snuggler anyway and he's a human electric blanket. One meal lasts for four days because he's a garbage disposal and can pack away six helpings but Collin and I can make leftovers stretch all week. Hey, I don't mind not having to eat the same thing over and over and it means I don't have to cook.

I miss him though. I miss having someone walk through the door at 4:45...yep, nice schedule, huh (hey, he leaves at 6 am!) and relieve me for 2 minutes so I can pee for the one time a day that I do, alone! I miss having someone who responds in full words to me, to speak to at dinner. I miss having someone who cares about me beyond whether or not I'll show up if he throws a tantrum be there.

I think Collin misses him too. He's finally starting to say Dada. We point at pictures together, especially the one above and he gleefully recalls that's his DADA! Hopefully, he'll use an equally appropriate moniker for me soon, other than when he's wailing.

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