Sunday, May 9, 2010

Collin, the Hula Lord

Want to know how to make Collin's mother cry for an hour straight? Put this costume on him and put him in a performance in which he actually sings and does his little dance moves just like all the other kids. I was a wreck watching that kid, a total wreck. I have to learn to hold it together, so don't look like a lunatic for future school plays, soccer games and the like. I was just so stinking proud of him!

Ignore his father who pointed out repeatedly, and loudly, that Hawaii is NOT international. I get it, Bryon, I GET IT! We ALL get it.

See, the school performance was "International Day." Each class had a dance and song to perform representative of a different country. Collin's class was Hawaii. Collin clearly felt that his Daddy was right and showed his displeasure with the Hawaiian theme with his tongue.

Why they didn't choose to represent the whole Polynesian culture or something like that, I do not know. Why Bryon chose to announce over and over again that Hawaii was inaccurate and why he had to be a stick in the mud, I also do not know.

What I do know is that we were super proud of our adorable little Hawaiian Hula Lord and that he looks painfully cute in his little Huki Lau (who knows how to spell that!) costume and that it was the single greatest thing I have ever seen.

No one tells you before you have kids how you will gladly sit in wet, muddy grass for an hour before a performance of runny-nosed children just to get a good spot to videotape a performance of your kid that will come out grainy and with poor sound to watch over and over again and that the camera will be all shaky because you were too excited to hold it still. Man, we love our kids, don't we?
P.S. Even though you can't see his feet, thanks to the Roaches for lending us sandals so he didn't look like a total geek wearing tennis shoes and a sarong. I'm sure his teacher thanks you too because as she said, "We've worked too hard for him to look like that" when I mentioned we didn't have sandals. I'm sure she didn't mean that and would take it back if she could, right?

1 comment:

Karen Parke said...

YOu have arrived mom...sit on wet grass just to get pictures of your little guy.....Happy Mother's Day. Collin is just too cute for words.