Monday, June 22, 2009

To the Moon with you, Collin!

I let Bryon watch 2001: A Space Odyssey on Father's Day. Admittedly, I moderately liked it. We left the evidence of our geekdom out for Collin to find the next morning, and apparently, I'm falling down on my training in teaching my son in all things "boy;" because he saw the astronaut on the cover and was astounded and amazed at what this person could be. Thus, a long and tedious morning of conversations about what an astronaut is, what one does and what is the grand and vastness of space. Oh boy!

I have spent the next four days trying to get a video to upload that won't. Sorry grandparents. But, guess what Collin has decided? He wants to be an astronaut! We have been zooming to the potty in pretend zero gravity, turning the lights on with our feet, all kinds of silliness. And, we've learned that because a great number of astronauts are also in the AF, we should not, probably, be kissing them. It's sort of a policy the military has. Well, it's okay for him to kiss the girl ones (if it doesn't interfere with the mission, of course...I do, fully expect my son, who will attain the position of astronaut to be a stud). Anyhoo, that's what the video is about.

Alas, today I decided that I would like to send him on his first moonwalk early as this is what I discovered upon going to wake him from nap.

He demolished his room, stripped his bed of all but the fitted sheet, and took all of his clothes out of the drawers before settling into sleep.

Apparently, he did it in stealth mode because I heard none of this on the baby monitor. Seriously. Either that, or I'm the worst mother on the planet. I choose to think he's stealthy...and cute.


Karen Parke said...

the pictures of Collin's room....with him sleeping...those were the best!!! At least he took a nap, don't forget that.

Karen Parke said...

By the way....I just heard from your are home and sleeping. Tomorrow you will be a completely new glasses.