Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Ups and Downs of Johnny Sparkles

So, it's been raining a bit here. That's rough news for the C-man. Really rough. He takes it especially rough when his Mama doesn't look out the dang window before putting him in the stroller, opening the garage door and rolling him out into the street to go to the park. Yep, I felt a bit of a breeze. Sure, a droplet. I thought, heck, it'll pass before we even get to the corner. Nope, it started pouring before we got to the bottom of the driveway and we had to turn back. Did he cope with this well? No. No he didn't.

Alas, we got over it by the next day. Yes, it was a rough day in entirety for that WHOLE freaking day! You'd think I cut out his gizzard or something. Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! The next day, I didn't make up for it. I promised him a trip to the mall for a haircut, which he has been asking for (darn it, knew I should've held off!). We get there, and I realized that I forgot my wallet. Had to turn around and go home...not a quick trip! He was a bit disappointed to say the least. Try telling a two-year-old to just enjoy the beautiful ocean scenery. He was not amused.

To make up for it, I did what everyone should give me a medal for...glitter crafts! I cut out little fishies out of florescent poster board and we made glue patterns and dumped pounds (yes, I'm sure that's the closest approximation of volume) of glitter on them. I think my house is more glitter per square foot now than anything else. Know what? I should've washed his hands before I let him pee. Know what I did NOT take a picture of? His little man unit that remained coated in glitter for the remainder of the day. Know what else though? I decided to call him and his little man unit Johnny Sparkles until it is no longer funny to me. Seriously, it was dressed up like a Vegas showgirl down there. I did, however take a few pictures that do not do justice to just how sparkle-infested he actually was.

Then, we hit meltdown. He has gotten up at around 6 every day this week. Don't ask me why. Apparently, his bladder has made this decision for him and he has been reluctant to get his "cowboy" wet (aka pull-up). I should be happy since it is a step toward nighttime dryness, but I just wish he'd go back to bed. I'm also a bit irritated that he decided that along with getting up 2 hours earlier than normal, he decided that skipping nap was the way to go about business today. He was also similarly unamused by his decision. Thankfully, these are a rare, rare, rare treat. For three days, I've tried to upload a video of this special occasion (the tantrum, followed by it's abrupt end sparked by a piece of trash discovered in the couch cushion and a burped "I love you"). Alas, my computer hasn't cooperated; so, you all get nothing. Aren't you bummed about not getting to see a shrieking kid?

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