Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We Have Pedaling Success!

Next up: Steering!

If anyone other than Daddy, who misses Collin more than anything, can make it through all 2 minutes of this, I'm impressed. But, I think it's pretty cute and I'm really proud of my boy. Heck, maybe Grandparents can make it through.

When not distracted by leaves, he actually goes all the way down the block too. It's a pretty big leap in progress from last week's bloody nose. That's quite the learning curve. What's next week? No training wheels? Then what? Indy cars?

On a side note, one never realizes how obnoxious one sounds until one hears oneself on video doing the "encouraging" voice (that's my way of sheltering myself from saying I sound annoying). And Collin looks like a riding "Toy Story" billboard. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He did it.......before you know it there will be no "stopping him"......Good Job COLLIN.