Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Holy Picture Overload, Batman!

So, when the family gets a new camera, what do you think happens? Well, first of all, lots more pictures get taken. Some good, cute, wholesome pictures.
Some, not so good. Why didn't anyone tell me that I was so tired and that I was prone to fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon with my BE-hind A-framed in midair like that? I look perfectly weird, do I not? Like maybe there was a little more than water in that sippy cup. Why am I even holding that?
Anyhoo, there's also a vast difference in the type of pictures that Mommy and Daddy take. Daddy, for example, will take dozens of pictures of flowers. Yes, flowers. These pictures will cause me to do what you saw in the picture above. Occasionally, he'll bother to scan over the view finder to see a more interesting subject scattered amongst the foliage.

Oh look, there he is.

Daddy doesn't take all bad pictures though. He managed to capture my favorite moment of the day. Collin's adopted a new habit of late, where he insists that I wrap him in the towel after he gets out of the bathtub, hold him like a baby and sing, "Hush little baby," to him. Yeah, I can live with that extension of the bed time routine for the next, say, thirty years so long as he lets me hold him like a baby on my lap.

I, however, am much more of an "action" capturer, I think. Check the dunking skills on my little man with his new basketball net. And yes, I did realize I'd put it together haphazardly after this and reassembled it before it came crashing down on him, paralyzing him for life before he had a chance to become the next white Michael Jordan. Wait, he's the son of two athletically challenged parents? Okay, let it fall on him, he can sue Little Tikes and become a millionaire that way.

Still, this is his, "that's what I'm talkin' 'bout face."

Of course, this is his, "shhh, don't bother me, I'm concentrating on lining my cars up on this narrow chair arm," face. It's likely to be followed by a meltdown because they'll fall off the edge; but it's cute anyhow.

No meltdown! No meltdown! I've succeeded! I've succeeded at my random task that makes no sense to anyone but me! Hooray! Hooray!

Oh, and guess who got the broken camera? Not even the ocean-broken camera but the LAST one before that? Yeah, I'm that good with cameras. Okay, to be fair; I didn't break the last one. It broke of it's own free will. Maybe it just gave up.

1 comment:

Karen Parke said...

Wonderful pictures with you new camera. You certainly do go thru cameras !! You must have been really tired in the afternoon to fall asleep in such a "position"