Friday, September 18, 2009

My What a Big Head You Have!

You know those little beanies that they give you at the hospital, sending your kid home in androgynous ambiguity? Surely you saved yours if you have kids. Collin's currently sits atop Bryon's computer speaker because apparently, he thinks he owns sentimental rights to that bit of our son's history. In reality, I'm loaning it to him. I love that hat. That little head came through my body, in an indelicate place, and I like to remember how small it was; not, that it felt that way at the time.

Anyway, Collin discovered it today and he thought he should prance about in it. Maybe if I didn't use words like "prance," to describe my son, he wouldn't have been so excited to meet Tinkerbell at Disneyland yesterday? But, I digress. What self-respecting mother wouldn't have taken 24, yes 24 pictures of him wearing that darn thing?

Does anyone else think that he looks a little bit like he's ready to take up a new religion? Since we have no religion in this house, maybe he's crying out for one.

1 comment:

I'm Erin. said...

Would you take that boy to the synagog now? He's screaming for a bar mitzvah!