Sunday, July 17, 2011


For one dollar, you can buy a head of cabbage to feed the goats at a local farm near Granny's house. Which means, for one dollar, you can make Collin's face look like this:

It was worth it.

Besides, not feeding the goats didn't seem like an option. This guy kept attempting to climb over the fence, and I'm pretty sure he knew we had lettuce at home and he was guying to get salad out of us, come hell or high water, whether it was from the farm stand, or out of our fridge.

It was a more amiable arrangement to receive it from my handsome boy.

Collin would have fed them all day if we let him. And, the goats and sheep would have eaten all day if we had let them. The way they were eating, you would have thought that was they only food they'd ever had. There was a creepy guy that followed us from pen to pen, which made me slightly uncomfortable, and glad that Granny was with us. It also made me feel a little lonely for Daddy because I thought to myself that creepy old men don't target ladies and little boys to follow around when there's a man with them.

But, all was well after the goat feeding because Collin had a moment of zen. He posed with this little statue for the only four seconds that he was still all day. This is his imitation of the statue. Not bad, eh?

And, since I haven't embarrassed Collin in the tub in a while, I simply must do it here, because, after all  it's a vacation bath. 

What a ham-bone. Different tub, different toys, same boy, same cheese-ball. 

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