Saturday, April 16, 2011

Collin's Birthday Party!!

Collin had his birthday party at Color Me Mine, a paint your own pottery place in Torrance. It could not have gone more smoothly.

I was skeptical about it at first because I simply called, told them the date and Collin's name, the package we selected and that was it. They e-mailed me the forms and I sent them back and we were done. I did NOTHING else and I mean nothing.

All we had to do was show up. The did EVERYTHING. I can't stress how clear that is. Everything. They did the decorations, the pizza, the cake the clean-up, everything. That was precisely what I needed right now. The kids all got top pick out a $25 item to paint and they had a great time.

All told, if we had done even small party at home, it would've cost us the same amount when you think of goodie bags, food, decorations, all the incidentals. I was really happy with how it turned out. And, it was nice and short and all the kids had a great time and were in and out before anyone got fussy or bored or frustrated. It was perfect.

I had to go pick up the pieces the next week and deliver them, but that was pretty quick and easy and Collin and I got to try the new vegetarian restaurant next door and it was delicious. The "chicken" either really, really tasted like chicken, or it's been so long that I forgot what chicken tasted like. It was fantastic. Just thinking about it is making my mouth water.

Anyway, I highly recommend that place for a birthday party!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It looks like Collin had a great time with his friends at his party. What a great place.