Friday, July 16, 2010

Limp Lung

"What a difference a day makes" the old saying goes, right? Grandpa and Nana Debby went to Disneyland with us and we got a new blaster to replace the one that Collin actually wore out from overuse (considering he actually never stopped pressing the button for 7,986 hours straight, I'm not surprised), got a pretzel and made a stupid face.

Twelve hours later, I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure he had a fever. You tell me, based on those cheeks, if he had one? Not much changed in the stupid face department, though.

So yeah, he did have a fever. And, according to the doctor, Strep Throat. Apparently, according to the culture that came back, however, he did not. He was on antibiotics for four days but thanks to his limp lung problem, he spent Friday in the E.R., where they told us he had croup, yet again, and gave him steroids, yet again. By Monday, as per his M.O. he wasn't keeping anything down because he was coughing 99% of his breaths.

The good news? He's gotten better at using his bucket; even in conjunction with a meal. Isn't that a special skill to have?

We are finally armed with referrals to pulmonolgy to check into what's going on with the little guy's lungs and as to why he can't seem to get a sniffle without it settling into his lungs every single time. Kids aren't supposed to be this sick every time they get a teeny, minor infection. It's painful to watch, and it's awful to watch him get over it every time. Plus, let's be honest, barf is gross. Oh, and I don't like my kid on steriods to get over being sick all the time. Apparently, they can stunt his growth. I think he's already got the deck stacked against him on that, don't you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Collin sure can make silly faces !! Glad he is finally feeling better.