Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Happenings at the McClain House of Late

It's amazing how busy seemingly nothing can keep our relatively small family, even on summer vacation. First, there's the absurd amount of sweeping that I do. Now, I know that I keep my house pretty clean. But, since we've moved into this house, there seems to be a weird amount of dust and hair accumulating in our downstairs. I'm not sure if the dog and cat are in cahoots to overrun us with tumbleweed like balls of hair every day or I just never noticed it before. Either way, I'm sweeping the darn downstairs pretty much twice a day. I caught Collin with the rug I moved aside to do said sweeping the other day. Apparently, it made a good bed for him and monkey. Kids and their imaginations. Seeing as that's the rug I stand on day in and day out to cook all manner of meal, I see it not as a snuggly blanket but as a festering pool of all manner of food germs like salmonella or e. coli. Sweet dreams.

We also had a little party to thank our friends for all the slave labor/generous help they provided us when we moved. This is about half of them crammed at our table eating the yummy food we provided them. A paltry thanks for all they did. Thanks guys. Note that it's the kids I took a picture of. The kids really didn't help all that much in the move. In fact, they didn't do much of anything except hang around and help by not being a non-help. I guess that's the most you can ask of kids. Thanks for that kids.

Oh, and there was Ben. That kid knows how to protect his bun. Oh, and wear Collin's hand-me-down shorts. I might be biased but I think Collin looked only slightly cuter in them. Mind you, I say only slightly. And, we are still working our buns off at P90x still. Collin thinks he's working out too on occasion. He's been helping me with form. Seriously. This is Collin actually correcting me. The nerve. I'm not trying to sound cocky or anything here, but I'm pretty certain my abs are flatter than ol' keg barrel tum-tum there. And in all seriousness, two weeks in and I've got the actual line down the middle cut abs and the six pack starting. I can do chin ups without a chair and I have muscles I've never seen before. This workout is like nothing I've ever seen before and I consider myself in pretty good shape. Thankfully, I have Collin to correct my form, or I'd be lost. I'm so glad we have it though; without running, I'd be going nuts.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update at the McClain household......looks like the kids had a good lunch. Hope that you had a great birthday yesterday....love you !!

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

Really cute website. Love the pictures. Quite a few kids sitting at the table. They look like they're having fun . Hope your day is blessed.