You get shot at with toys that are NOT guns. Then, two minutes later, your child that was making you reach for the Excedrin, ear muffs and straightjackets decides to have a mood swing to total calmness. No threats to boarding school necessary.
Completion of mood swing to calmness must include total adorableness. Oh, and yes that is a birthday balloon still sitting there next to him. Two days after his birthday, Bryon and I "humanely" (read: gleefully) 47 of the 50 balloons out of their misery. Really, it was my misery, as I'm not sure if anyone can really imagine how annoying 50 balloons in your house really is, until you experience it. Totally worth it, also totally worth popping them while he was asleep. He never missed them but he's still enjoying having a few around. How much longer can we get away with doing away with things like that while he's sleeping without him noticing? Wonder if he'd notice if I was gone?
Another joy of being the mother of a boy? Watching him mack on the ladies already. He's still not mastering the art of steering. He knows it. I know it. Gracie knows it. So she totally took the reigns of the jeep today and Collin was all about letting his lady take control. They were both perfectly content with the arrangement. For these pseudo-siblings, who manage to fight over dust particles sometimes, it was nirvana.
For bonuses, Collin has managed to sweeten the pot of being my son lately by learning the art of buttering me up. The following phrases have become part of his lexicon. I'm not complaining. These are a smathering of my favorites of his cutsies. I especially love them because I have NO idea where he came up with them. When boys say this stuff, I think it's especially charming because, come on guys, it's boys! So charming!!
Mommy, can I fall in love with you? (said while nuzzling my shoulder)
Mommy, you are my favorite Mommy? (I recognize the absurdity but I'm going to take it)
Mommy, you are my best friend because I keep you in my heart. (seriously!!)
Mommy, will you dry my tears? (something he only whips out when he's crying for a stupid reason and he knows it's a totally adorable thing to say and I can't resist it)
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