I generally consider my son to be a genius. Don't we all think our children will rule the world with their amazing wit, their compassion, their uncanny ability to amaze us?
Just this morning, Collin overheard a story on NPR about the Supreme Court's decision about the protesters at the military funerals and he picked up on the bit about how they were carrying signs that say, "God hates Fags"
He said, "Mommy, what are fags?
In my pause, he said, "And why would He hate anyone....I mean we are all the same, right? Is this the God from Constance's story that He was the good guy in?"
I was blown away (aside from him ending his sentence in a preposition). In my constant struggle to make sure that I raise my boy to be considerate and respectful of other people's beliefs because ours are so different, I make a supreme effort to explain that we don't make a big deal about God to others, and here I was with a little boy who got the most important part of all; that yes, we are all the same. Over the weekend, I'd told him a condensed version of Chaucer's, "Man of Law's Tale" because it makes a great adventure story and God comes off pretty great in that story and I think it is important for him to understand that, despite us not necessarily believing in Him in our family; but, I digress.
I was walking around so proud of my genius son who understood compassion and humanity; and then, he came home today singing this new version of the alphabet song.
My son has known his letters for a long time now, although you wouldn't know it based on his rendition of whatever this is.
Untitled from Rachel McClain on Vimeo.
Here, have another go at it, Collin.
Untitled from Rachel McClain on Vimeo.
Nope, no better. I guess it goes to show that when you mix things up, you really F with a kid's head.
Big Red
1 month ago
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