Saturday Fun Day with Mommy was a busy one this week. We were invited to a morning birthday party and I ended up going to Santa Monica in the afternoon to pick up a desk. Not to disappoint my boy, I managed to cram in the Build-A-Bear ON Saturday, as promised.
He was super excited and changed his mind at the last minute. He talked about a Darth Vader bear all week. He was pretty insistent that's what he would build. In the back of my mind, I was pretty sure he'd pick one of the other options and just crossed my fingers he wouldn't be bedazzled by a princess choice.
I was right. He immediately settled on a Storm Trooper. Well, technically it's a Clone Trooper but who's being that nit picky?
By the way, doesn't this poor teenage boy look super thrilled to be working the stuffing machine and wearing an apron with the word "love" on it? Get a tougher job, dude if you hate working at a store where you have to hand hearts to kids to kiss.
He couldn't be dissuaded from getting a light saber even though a Clone Trooper doesn't fight with a light saber and would, in fact have a blaster. His argument was that, "Mommy, they don't have any guns here and he needs a weapon." I guess he had a point.
Yes, the light saber makes noise and yes the bear plays the Star Wars theme song so we are noise-d out. It's fun.
The best part about the Clone Trooper bear is that his helmet doesn't stay on properly so he constantly asks me to "fix his helmeNt" for him.
Have I mentioned my son's penchant for inserting the letter "N" in the word helmet and flat-out insisting that it's the correct pronunciation? He will actually go out of his way to bring it up in conversation just to say, "Mommy, did you know that 'helmeNt' is right and 'helmeT' is wrong?" Can you tell he knows that it's under my skin? Having children is like having a crazy roommate you can't kick out, I think. And yes mother and father, I hear you laughing at me all the way from California. I realize this sounds strikingly similar to an argument I had with you around this age in which I insisted that we spoke American.
Anyway, he had a fantastic time at Build-A-Bear and I'm glad he's not too into the whole experience because I'd kill myself if we had to go there a lot. It's an expensive way to spend thirty minutes, even with a coupon. And, we were there on the tails of a birthday party so it was a zoo. He's been carrying it around the house though, so he must love it. Thank goodness. The last time we went, he handed it to me on the way out the door and said, "Here you go mommy, you can have it."
Big Red
4 weeks ago
Too Cute! Austin said the next "outfit" for his Daddy bear that he wanted to get was the Clone Trooper, they can have matching bears :-)
I am glad you had such a wonderful Saturday with Collin. Build a Bear is a great place...look at the beautiful smile on Collin's face.
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