Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Future Jack Palmer - Because Tiger Woods isn't a Good Role Model Anymore

I've been meaning for Collin to try the good old-fashioned "sport" of putt-putt. I swear. I even have expired "Fun Center" coupons on the fridge. Thank goodness Collin can't read, or he'd have known how long the idea was in my head, and how long I hadn't taken him. So busy true, but something else about giving him a metal stick with permission to hit with it made me nervous.

Anyway, Granny and Grandaddy came to visit recently (okay semi-recently: remember, kinda busy?) and they needed a fun activity.

It made me sad not to be able to go but I was happy to let him have a fun new experience, nonetheless.

In my mind, he won and he is probably a prodigy. Don't you think? Since I couldn't see his performance, I'm sure that is what happened.

And no special trip is fun without a trip to Jamba Juice. I love this picture because you can't tell if he's cute or evil. That pretty much sums Collin up in a nutshell. 

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