Santa's Elves (aka Bryon and I) got to work last week finally opening all the shipping boxes that came to the house, assembling and wrapping. We were sorely disappointed to discover that the bike that I ordered from Wal-Mart was missing the pedals. It's not like a kid needs pedals on a bike or anything. If I ever needed an excuse not to shop there, now I've got one. I fully recognize that this could happen anywhere, but if Wal-Mart didn't get their lowest prices by undercutting everyone else then quality control wouldn't be such a big deal. I cannot remember the last time I bought anything from that store, but I took a gamble. Their excellent customer service upon trying to rectify the problem has only confirmed my resolve to never set foot in one of their stores again. I've still yet to hear from them, despite their "if you need anything regarding this order, e-mail here," line. Ugh. Bryon stood in line for practically half a day only to be turned away and told, deal with the online store on our own and try to get them to either refund our money or pay for aftermarket pedals. All this on Christmas Eve. It's a crappy store in the first place, for many other reasons, and now I just hate it. And that, folks is the end of my anti-Wal-Mart rant. Shop anywhere else if you can.

Anyway, we solved the problem on our own because Bryon got pedals from a bike shop and we had a lovely Christmas morning. Bike and all.
Yoda was there too. With Mr. Bubble. It's not a great picture but I think they look just so darn cute that I had to show you. He's so snuggly.
Is this the face of a happy guy, or what? He opened this and said, "this is what I always wanted! How did Santa know?" He said that more than once. He's prone to exaggeration right now, as in, "this is my
We always open stockings in bed, before we set eyes on the tree. It saves the "big" moment. He was still thrilled. One look at his stocking and he said, "MOMMY! Santa was so SILLY! He gave me so MUCH that it didn't fit in my stocking!" He had a few (a lot) presents that didn't fit and they were on the floor next to his stocking and he was just tickled pink with it.
The first thing he opened from under the tree was a Luke Skywalker costume. He immediately put it on. For the remainder of the day, we were with Luke.
I have found that he is pretty much incapable of making a non-adorable face.
See? Look at that handsome guy. He's so stinking cute.
I love this picture. It's pure excitement, throwing the paper over his head to get to his new swords and shields.
This is his "big" present, the one we made him wait until last to open. I took Daddy's word for it that he'd love it and Daddy was right.
It is an Imperial Walker and it might as well be life-sized it's so darn big. It does everything short of actually shooting
And the little man has barely taken his hands off it all day.