Sunday, February 21, 2010

What did YOU make this Weekend?

'Cause we made a baby! Just kidding!

No, that would really, really suck because thanks to selling ALL the baby things over the past few months, we had enough cash in the clip on our refrigerator (yes, I know, a safe place to keep wads of twenties), to buy a new BBQ. Boy, oh boy did we need a new BBQ. I'm telling you folks, there are occasions when holding a chicken breast aloft against the Santa Annas would cook it faster than using our BBQ. Anyway, a new baby would not exactly like sleeping in the BBQ and the pack and play is gone, baby gone. So, this is Bryon assembling his new toy because heck, I refused to settle for the the already assembled ones outside because they had birdie poop on them and when you pay for something new, bird poop isn't okay with me.
Me, I "made" (or, am making) an old table new. Five years ago, I bought a table for $15 at Kmart. That is the last time that I truthfully remember walking into a Kmart. Anyway, it's the weirdest thing in my house because it never has a good place to go and every time we move, we are greeted with this table that I forget I have after X number of days on the road, and we look at each other and go, "where do we put this stupid thing?" It usually ends up in the bathroom holding nothing and gathering a weekly accumulation of dust. Anyway, since it's expendable I had a project idea and I'll keep you posted with the "after" pictures as the project comes to fruition. What you don't get pictures of is the whole can of primer that I spilled on the garage floor. I'm pretty good at home improvement projects, eh? Hey, I'm told that unless you make two trips to the hardware store, you aren't truly engrossed in a project. Picking up more primer was my second trip then. I'm good.
And, we also made hamburgers on the new grill. They smelled like mushroom burgers because my awesome hubby made me a vegetarian portobello burger that he spotted in a gigantic pack at Costco. Thankfully, they were delicious and we aren't stuck with thirty dozen patties of disgusting mushiness.
Sorry grandparents, no pictures of Collin today. We forgot to pick him up at school on Thursday and we've been passing a pretty quiet weekend without him.


Karen Parke said...

I found that meatless burgers don't hold together when you try and grill them??? Do you have a secret on how to get past that?
Please post some pictures of how the table looks when you finish it....

I'm Erin. said...

Well I would have celebrated if you'd made a baby.
Collin is too cute, you simply must do it again.