Sunday, January 3, 2010

Nearly Killed by Cuteness

Bryon and I are exhausted. With him on leave all week, we've been staying up "late" (read: 11pm) to watch movies together and actually talk. Collin doesn't appreciate this and continues to wake up at his regular time regardless of whether or not we'd like an extra 20 minutes of sleep. He also continues to run us ragged by being sick or, now that he's starting to feel better, run us through the normal paces of having all the energy of say, a jaguar on steroids.

Training for the half marathon in February also means that we are running our long runs on Sundays. Today was a relatively "short" run of seven miles. Because one of us had to be home in case the lady picking up our car seat came by (hooray for Craigslist!), we couldn't run together. Bryon zoomed down the road way faster than he can with me and came back with bleeding feet. I ran on the treadmill and finished with shins that felt like the were cobbled together out of two by fours and silly putty. I think we are getting old.

What should we have done for the rest of the day? Kick back? No. Jack is moving out of the Haunted Mansion today, not to return until next holiday season. We had to go say good-bye. Apparently, we weren't the only ones with this idea, as this is THE busiest I've ever seen that place. Who actually has to look for a parking place at Disneyland? They are supposed to just direct you to the open level, right? Wrong. Mickey turned the place into Survivor for tourists in rental cars.

But, despite our hobbling, we couldn't say no to this guy and let him down. He simply had to see Jack today. Who could tell him no? could you? Okay, maybe when he's making this face. This is his, "close to the line" face; meaning he can do this without getting sent to time out, but when the tongue comes out and he pfffts in my face, that is sassy enough to go to time out. That's my, "I'm too tired to care what you are doing" face and "I hope you don't really figure that out," face.

I mean come on! He's dressed as Peter Pan for cripes' sake! His insistence, by the way. When he picked his clothes out, he wanted to know if I would wear my Tinkerbell dress. I'm not so sure what he's talking about, but I'm interested to know.

1 comment:

Karen Parke said...

Looks like you had a good visit to last time for Collin. He sure does love that costume !!