Sunday, September 27, 2009

Weird Plague and Heatwave Broken

We've been sleeping on the living room floor for the past few days. Ahhh, thanks air conditioner. Mostly because it's been so hot during the day that the upstairs bakes like an oven and never cools down enough for my newly developed princess sensibilities. These have been acquired since the purchase of the air conditioner for the downstairs that makes it so comfy down there that I'd rather sleep on the floor in cool comfort than upstairs in my own bed. Air mattress, so much more comfy. The added benefit, Collin finds the air mattress endlessly fascinating in the morning before I squish it down back into the bag. It's cooled down again now, so phew.

But, the weird plaque that Collin brought home this week? The one that we thought we were done with? Oh, we're not. He and I both succumbed to it; but, it apparently just went into hibernation for twenty-four hours. Daddy, Mommy and Collin are all still sick. And worse. It's awful. Collin's coughing. Daddy and Mommy are pretty sure that we once used to breathe freely and I'm pretty sure that there was a time that I was able to move my body without constant ache or exhaustion. Bryon claims this too, but he's an old, lazy fart so I doubut it. Tee hee. Darn that germ collecting grubby-handed kiddo!

I know, I shall punish him by letting him watch another movie because we are all too sick to do any real child rearing. Since it's impossible to scare our child, as we've learned lately, we let him watch "The Neverending Story." Bryon claims he was scared of it as a child because Gmork, the wolf-thingie was freaky. My kid? Nope. Kid's got nerves of steel. He wanted snuggles but he thought it was cool. Exact response at the end. "I need watch it again...NOW!" Since any kid's first time with that piece of history is a memorable experience, I of course, documented it for posterity's sake. Can you tell that Bryon feels simply awesome?

P.S. Collin is pretty sure that Atreyu is a girl.

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