Thursday, August 20, 2009

Something's a Little Off Here...

Collin, my love, joy of my life, apple of my eye, dear, that is not, not, not a hat. Something is a little off with your selection of proper head fashion.

It is however, a funny, funny, funny picture. And you will thank me for having dozens of shots of you wearing this hilariously-themed box upon your noggin. I'm certain of that.

Also, something else is a little off with you "holding" Baby Ben. You were pretty sure that you were holding him. You insisted that you were doing it. You talked about it incessantly all day afterward. Yet, I'm pretty certain that you were not, in fact, holding him at all. It's something about the way that he's nearly the same size as you already. Hmmmm. Maybe, just maybe, he's sitting there all on his own and you are just kind of behind him. But, maybe just for your fragile little toddler ego, I'll not tell you that.


Karen Parke said...

When you post photos on Shutterfly have to include the one with collin's tampon box hat !! That is going to come back to haunt him in the years to come.

I'm Erin. said...

did that hat glide gently off his head? :)