No good photos today. (Fog horn BEEP!) No photos today at all. Want to know (Fog horn BEEP!) why? It's because I'm finding that (Fog horn BEEP!) it takes all of my mental agility to actually focus my mind into not striking (Fog horn BEEP Fog horn BEEP!) the boy today; or, other some such horrible (Fog horn BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!) thing, like accidentally pushing him (Fog horn BEEP!) into traffic or accidentally making the little piggie (Fog horn BEEP!) that goes weee-weee-weee all the way home somehow eat his nose (Fog horn BEEP!) for real. Can you guess why? It has something to do with fog horns. This is obviously a caryover from yesterday.
Someone once told me that I shouldn't be so eager for Collin to learn to talk because kids have this weird way of latching onto some phrase or another every once in a while and then driving you absolutely crazy with it. Hmmmm, I get it now. Some days, it's such a joy and a pleasure to be a parent. Some days, I wish I was on drugs. Fog horn, BEEP!
Big Red
4 weeks ago
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