Well, you are wrong. We bought the four hanger set. You know, "just in case." Huh? I think someone (aka Daddy...not that I didn't get a bit misty at good ol' Target), deep down, is getting the rumblings. Whatever. He's not the one who has to be pregnant. But, we'll see. Collin is awfully wonderful and I'm pretty sure #2 would be just as awesome. Don't get all excited out there though...#2 wouldn't come along until WAY later. I want to be with Collin all the time, so #2 wouldn't be here until Collin starts school and doesn't need me undivided so much.
Anyway, we hung the stockings from the ledge upstairs and as soon as Collin sees them every morning, he says "choo choo! cocks!" Isn't that hilarious? He's starting to add, "cookie" to the mix on most occasions because, as we know, that's what he thinks Santa is bringing him and we've told him that Santa is bringing him stuff for his STockING. Yes, we (and by we, I mean me) have resorted to sounding it out just like that. I think he figures, what, it looks like a giant cock...I mean sock, to him.
The bad news is my camera is broken. Boo! So, we're replacing it ASAP. Bryon wanted to wait and give me a new one as an additional Christmas present; but I stamped my little feet and pouted a bit and said no! I consider a camera, in this house, with this precious boy to photograph every second, as necessary of an item as milk and bread. So, we should have a new one any second.
Meanwhile, you get a terrible photo of Collin trying to pose for the millionth time as the camera refused to work. He ran out of the frame at the last second when the darn thing finally clicked and I got a shot. Alas, blurry. And, I didn't get a picture of his shoes, the very reason I was trying to take the picture in the first place. They really ARE cute, I swear.
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