I think the teacups may be his favorite though, especially now that he's finally figured out how to spin the center wheel. Yes, the center wheel, otherwise known as the vomiter, the thing I've refused to teach him, has been deduced. Damn. Oh well. He looks happy, right? He kept yelling, "This is fun! This is fun! This is fun!" You'll note who refuses to partake in the fun of the teacups. It isn't because he likes to take pictures; it's because he hurls.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Back to Disneyland...Again!
I think the teacups may be his favorite though, especially now that he's finally figured out how to spin the center wheel. Yes, the center wheel, otherwise known as the vomiter, the thing I've refused to teach him, has been deduced. Damn. Oh well. He looks happy, right? He kept yelling, "This is fun! This is fun! This is fun!" You'll note who refuses to partake in the fun of the teacups. It isn't because he likes to take pictures; it's because he hurls.
Monday, August 24, 2009
At Least there's Laughter, Right?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Something's a Little Off Here...
It is however, a funny, funny, funny picture. And you will thank me for having dozens of shots of you wearing this hilariously-themed box upon your noggin. I'm certain of that.
Also, something else is a little off with you "holding" Baby Ben. You were pretty sure that you were holding him. You insisted that you were doing it. You talked about it incessantly all day afterward. Yet, I'm pretty certain that you were not, in fact, holding him at all. It's something about the way that he's nearly the same size as you already. Hmmmm. Maybe, just maybe, he's sitting there all on his own and you are just kind of behind him. But, maybe just for your fragile little toddler ego, I'll not tell you that.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Slimy Green Beans
What can I say, he's weird; and the son of an engineer. You've got to figure out how all this stuff works, right mama?
Mommy was all too happy to get her baby back. By baby, I of course, don't mean Bryon; I mean my lil' man who I cannot live without. Look at him!
Today, we were singing a duet of "Puff the Magic Dragon," me accompanied by some banging mini xylophone playing by Mr. Collin when he suddenly stopped and demanded that I do the same so he could say, abruptly, "Wait! Wait! Stop!," pause and then add, "Mama! Mama! I love you!"
Friday, August 14, 2009
Mama had a Chill
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Holy Picture Overload, Batman!
Still, this is his, "that's what I'm talkin' 'bout face."
Of course, this is his, "shhh, don't bother me, I'm concentrating on lining my cars up on this narrow chair arm," face. It's likely to be followed by a meltdown because they'll fall off the edge; but it's cute anyhow.
No meltdown! No meltdown! I've succeeded! I've succeeded at my random task that makes no sense to anyone but me! Hooray! Hooray!
Oh, and guess who got the broken camera? Not even the ocean-broken camera but the LAST one before that? Yeah, I'm that good with cameras. Okay, to be fair; I didn't break the last one. It broke of it's own free will. Maybe it just gave up.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Not Sailing with Gramps
Blowing bubbles outside and wearing Gramps' hat like a darn fool.
And, of course, knowing that you look like a fool.
Making sure that the living room is safe from fires by driving his fire engine all over the darn place and ringing the bell lots and lots and greatly disturbing sleeping Daddy. And no, Grandpa, he still doesn't know how to use the pedals.
Using the ladders from said fire truck in wildly inappropriate ways to "climb" on the couches, coffee tables, chairs counters, any other surface higher than himself. He even tried to put them in midair and was confused as to why they didn't just hang there for him to climb to space. Huh? I'm not sure why that didn't work, Collin. Ask your father when he feels better.
Standing in a shack-type structure at the Fort Mac Museum. Oh, Daddy felt better by then and I didn't go with them. I don't go there. I would rather gouge my eyes out. B-O-R-I-N-G. I was busy shopping at The Grove and Farmer's Market. Mommy spent some money :) Giant J. Crew and even more giant Banana Republic with a big sale and Mommy was traumatized by vomit!
But, it looks fun for Collin right? I mean look, he got to see a jeep! And men like to look under cars, huh?
And then, stand in more shacks. Apparently, this museum has Jeeps and shacks. I don't think I'm missing much, am I?
But, they do have a nice view, eh? And a good spot for that long, running embrace hug that you see in the movies.
But, the sweet close up snuggle is cute too.
Anyway, that's what Collin did this weekend when he was NOT sailing with Gramps and Daddy.
Plague Exposure
Don't worry, I won't post the seventy-five others. That would be overkill. Wait, is that possible?
I also won't post the picture of Bryon that I had the good sense to delete...the one where after he asked, what the hell I was doing taking a picture of him sick and feeling awful, he took it upon himself to pull his man-bits out of his shorts and thanks to the fast shutter on the new camera, I accidentally caught them. ACK! I couldn't smack him because the poor baby was sick. Oh, I didn't want to touch him. Gross, sicky germs. But, now that he's better, it's fair game. He's been properly beaten to a pulp now.