Since the chair only came about 80% clean, I'm of course, only 80% happy. This will degrade with each passing day and with each fleck of dirt that appears on the chair. Supposedly, we agree that the next PCS means new living room stuff. Hooray. Look, even Collin is excited. I think he's just intrigued at the fact that he's currently trapped in the new furniture arrangement so Daddy can soap up the other half of the living room. He finds it hilarious. I find it a new Collin-imprisonment strategy. If only I were strong enough to move all the furniture myself on a daily basis.
He was adequately entertained while imprisoned in the furniture mound. He colored and colored and colored some more. The best part of these pictures?I took them from the kitchen with our new super zoom lens without him even knowing I was taking them. Pretty neat, huh? He's clearly concentrating; there's that tongue.
"Better pull back to have a look at my work here." He kept doing this. It was cracking me up. I think because the Crayola Color Wonder markers take a few seconds to show up on the paper, he would pause to make sure he was coloring in the right spots before moving on. What a funny kid, always figuring stuff out. He's his father's son for sure. Sometimes, he'd yell out "It showed up!" as if it were a surprise.
I guess he liked the feeling of being boxed in because, uh, yeah. (P.S. that's the stupid chair up there)
And again, later that day. Pay no heed to the darn fool in the background running with nowhere to go. She eventually got where she was going although she was darn tired when she got there. And I warn you against zooming because you will see the sweatiest back in female athletic history.
Apparently though, he finally felt the need to stretch his legs, but not to stop coloring. Maybe it's because we only rented all his new Christmas toys and they all went back yesterday. This coloring book is all he's got left to his name. Poor kid. Send donations. Doesn't Eddie laying next to him tug at your heartstrings? We don't feed him either.
Oh, and he does have this: the Lego Nebulizer. Is it cool that the machine has a Lego base, or what? Collin has, in one day, become a pro at holding the mask with one hand and playing with the Lego pieces with the other. I'm so proud of him. After the wrestling match we initially had, I was bracing myself for three hard weeks. Hooray for adjustments.